Hi Cat
I'm sorry, I hope I didn't sound too snarky. I've been arguing a lot lately about these tests, which is so funny in that I end up defending them, when it's not like it's really working for my kid!!! On parent boards in NYC and even IRL there is a lot of you parents who think your kids are special don't know what they are talking about, and the "they wouldn't get in later" argument is what's always cited. Or the reading early doesn't mean anything cause they all catch up is another favorite. But no one has any real evidence of kids being asked to leave or being truly unable to handle it. Sigh. I think it seems to parents that gifted education is providing specials, that they get better toys, and better teachers, rather than it being about the environment and not having to be teachers helper. And there is a real negativity about PG, if you don't present as stereotype genius you don't need anything different.

Hmm, getting on soapbox again, very easy to just keep talking about this because this place feels like the only place where it's safe to do so. So many parent friends who look at the decisions we made recently like we are insane because the don't know what he can do and I certainly can't say, our local school is good enough for your kid but I don't think our local school is appropriate for DS!!! More sighing!

Oh and the worse part of the process, 4 months of waiting to get the scores!
