Originally Posted by Dottie
Digging back I reread your comment about IQ testing. It's definitely worth a shot with portfolio, those are pretty solid scores. I'd apply first, and hope to avoid paying for more expensive testing. Worst case they'd ask for expensive testing, but they might not, smile .

Dottie, I truly appreciate your reply. He reached the grade 6 level for LA, Reading and Science. His Math score suffered a bit from missing a good number of questions and not using a calculator plus his overall frustration when math is timed. He does great with math when it's not timed but becomes easily flustered when it is. Even with missed questions, he made the grade 4 cut off for math so I'm guessing that the ones he did answer he must have answered correctly. So I'm trying to be confident about applying without the IQ results. Spent whole day yesterday trying to find enough materials for the portfolio...he isn't exactly a prolific writer either :P. Really crossing fingers here. smile

Thank you! You are such a ray of sunshine and helpfulness when the anxiety clouds threaten!