
Well, we are obviously going through some existential pain in our house right now which is directly applicable to this subject.

Our PG DD11 is, communication-wise, very "adult" at this point. This is not necessarily a good thing, from an adult conversationalist's perspective.

It is very easy to FORGET that behind the collegiate cognitive level and vocabulary is a CHILD with limited life experience.

We struggle with this constantly. No, there isn't much need to "tone it down" for her in terms of vocabulary or complexity-- but sometimes content or emotional elements aren't "adult" in the same way as the language and comprehension. She might have words for what she would like to explain-- but not the life experience to recognize the situation/emotion/experience for what it is.

Their intensity can also make it challenging to communicate effectively with some gifted children, I'd say.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.