Originally Posted by Jules726
I don't know if at this point with everything going on (sports, extra work at school, applying for the private school, etc.) that at the moment he can handle the SAT or ACT. Jules
Do you know about the HERO's program for PG New Jersey-Area kids?
I think this could be a useful resource if the test scores are qualifing...
As for the SAT, I agree with Dottie that beyond explaining how the questions are structured, there isn't any prep other than getting a good night's sleep, finding a calculator, sharp pencils, healthy breakfast, packing snacks, and having the stamina to
1) sit and work for 4(?) hours on a Saturday morning
2) deal with the fact that about a third of the questions are impossibly difficult - this can be hard on the ego of some little gifties.
OTOH, my DS at 12 described it as 'like being inside a giant video game' and really enjoyed himself.
(I was willing to drive him to a distant test center so he wouldn't have to deal with seeing kids he knows.)
If you don't get into the private school, having an SAT score may be a big help in advocating with the local public school. (It's always a nice touch when a school admin looks at your child's scores and thinks 'Oh - that's what I scored as a high school senior.)

But - The website for YSP doesn't list SAT scores for 5th or 6th graders, only for 7th graders, so if your son scores above the 7th grade levels it is fine, but what if he scores close to but not at a 7th grade cut off?

And, 'n of 1' my son always scored more impressively unusual on WJ than on SAT - hope that helps!

Love and More Love,

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