DD is 7 and has just been accepted to a gifted magnet school. While her current school has some good things about it, it has not been challenging for her at all, which she complains about. Initially she seemed to be in favor of switching to the magnet, but now that it has all become more real and we are seriously discussing it with her, she is feeling unsure. She's worried about missing her friends and some of the special aspects of her current school. We feel the magnet school would be a lot better for her, but the current one is not a bad choice, exactly.

Has anyone been in a spot like this? How did you deal with it? I don't think I want to make this into "You are going to the magnet"--if DD thinks she has been forced into something, she will go with a negative attitude. I would like her to feel good about it on her own terms. Again, she has been mostly positive to this point, but it was a bit more lalala if-you-get-in up until now. This is real, and she knows it.