Maybe it was due to her age that we were being given the run-around (she was not yet 10 when I was asking)-- but it's also possible that it was due to disability and accommodations for that. Neither is legal, I know, but it seemed like a lot more trouble than it would be worth at the time.

Pretty sure that it wasn't the PSAT-- but thanks for the head's up on that one. I'll need to go loaded for bear, I see.

Ahhh-- now I'm remembering... since DD is a virtual school student, there was an additional political dimension to this, too.... good times... local HS wouldn't give us a paper packet, and OUR school doesn't have them, so we were sort of stuck there since we can't register her online due to age... and there was also no way to determine accommodations before registration, plus there were some issues about that since the accommodations are re: test setting, which is the local high schools (and therefore there are invariably these squicky "but we don't control" issues...) Anyway. Our situation is definitely not typical-- I wanted to explain why this was so much more convoluted than it should have been.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 02/28/11 04:57 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.