Originally Posted by herenow
Originally Posted by Chrys
. I vaguely remember that there might be an interests survey, but this sounds different.

Any recollection where you might have heard about the "interests survey"? I don't remember anything about that when I signed my dd up through numats, but it was a late-night task. Who knows what I might have glossed over...

I think I found what you might have read. On the EXPLORE website it mentions that the students would take a "72 item interests inventory about the types of work tasks you would or would not like to do".

That is not what our kids were given. The questionnaire our kids took had maybe 8 questions on intelligence and whether is is fluid or fixed, all exactly as Cricket2 described. They were all variations on a theme. For example I think they went something like this:

Intelligence can be changed if you work hard
1agree 2 3 4 5 disagree

No matter how hard someone works they can't change their intelligence.
1 agree 2 3 4 5 disagree

And so on for several more questions. The children were told "there are no wrong answers, just your opinion". The end of the questionnaire had a few more questions; I don't know what they were. The questionnaires at our site were sitting on the tables when the children walked into the room. They were told not to fill them out until instructed.

I will be very surprised if this isn't going into someone's psych study. Without our consent. While possibly affecting our kids scores/perception of testing. And we PAID for this.

I am curious whether they gave this questionnaire to the 8th graders who take this test. Or was it just given to the Gifted kids?

Better go take a walk and cool off...