Hi LDmom,

My DS9 took Explore in Jan. He is a mathy kids too, and he said the exact same thing as your DS. He had no problem finishing the reading and language sections, but didn't finish the science and said the math was "harder than he expected," which didn't really surprise me since I don't know that he has ever really taken a test that has challenged him in math until this. I was a little surprised he didn't finish science, because he tends to be speedy (often too speedy) and he is great at extrapolating information, but who knows?

I believe the scores come out in late March. It seems so long to wait (esp. for those of us who took it in January), but I am just trying not to think about it, and it is making me not jump the gun in terms of going to the district with them (better to wait until closer to the end of the year I think for changes related to next year, at least in my experience in my district). We hope to use the scores to advocate for some science acceleration (he goes up 2 years in math right now and we would like him to do the same for science, or whatever matches the grade level of math he is in), so we will have to see. And if they are really great, use them to apply to DYS.

Anyway, let's hope they are prompt at getting them out, I seem to remember last year that they were delayed in some cases.



Last edited by Catalana; 02/16/11 07:11 AM.