Originally Posted by gratefulmom
Kimck, I'm so glad to know that you're a math parent! If I were going back to pure books, I think Singapore would be my first choice.

Since we're going to hit the ceiling on EPGY OE pretty soon, do you think it's feasible to leap from an online program like EPGY back into Singapore at the higher-elementary/middle school level? (Currently at 4th; hoping to use OE through 7th.) With programs like Rightstart, they say kids get confused if they don't come up the levels from the near-beginning.

Absolutely! In fact, I think it's a great idea if you're trying to buy a little time before you reach higher level math. I think Singapore (and especially their deeper workbooks) can really stretch a mathy kid. I know a GT mathy kid that just jumped in at 3B without using any curriculum previously. I'd just recommend checking out placement tests. Even if you have to go back a little further than you expect, a GT kid can really race and it's easy to compact and skip around. We did a short stint with EPGY too.

Good luck! smile