I think that a program like EEP would have been a good fit for me. My only experience, however, was part-time college starting around age 14 (though I had attended some classes not for credit earlier). It was much better than sitting in middle school/high school, bored by the material and teased by classmates; however, I think that a peer group of students my age in college would have helped my adjustment to work-load and college life, which seems to be provided by most of the aforementioned programs...

That being said, I doubt these programs are for everyone. I think maturity and independence are necessary to keep up with assignments and studying in college, as students don't have teachers reminding them to do it. Curiosity and a willingness to try something new with respect to learning are also important for success (happiness and acceptable grades for the program).

I hope that helps!

Last edited by LilMick; 01/19/11 02:28 PM.