The question is, is it overidentifying when you stick to a 99th percentile score defining giftedness?
I don't know honestly. Are we talking about a composite score in the 99th percentile? I don't actually know any kids with scores in that range (at least not that have been shared with me

), so I'm not sure what that would look like in a kid.
My hesitancy to absolutely say yes is that I do know kids with grade level
achievement scores in the 98th and 99th percentile who have average IQ scores and who really don't appear gifted. Again, I know that it isn't an achievement test, but it also isn't an IQ test. Both that and that the test is multiple choice and relies so heavily on covergent thinking lead me to believe that is just isn't testing what we are being led to believe it is by schools (which is some variant of intelligence). That's not to say that some gifted kids might not score really well, but I'm not sure that scoring really well is a good indicator of giftedness.
I could, of course, be wrong
