Hi Everyone,
I've been attempting to research the subtest deviations in my dd's wisc-iv and you guys really look like you might be able to help - and I'm hoping you can!

The psych has told us she is 'profoundly gifted'(in the area of verbal comprehension) but has relative weaknesses in the other areas which are the cause of her frustration, emotional issues and depression. She inferred that her Perceptual Reasoning may also be low due to years of inadequate stimulation because verbally my daughter can (and has) accelerated herself; she is a voracious reader. However, we have not looked at Math etc. to the same extent (I'm an academic in the area of literature and psychoanalysis and hence she learns by copying me, I guess). The psych also felt that anxiety and perfectionistic tendencies were heavily apparent and said it would be unethical to give her an official full scale iq as it would be doing Emmie a disservice(although she did say it would be >132). Next step looks like OT which I know very little about. Anyone in this boat and/or have any recommendations? I would be so very grateful as my daughter, who is eight, cries several times every day out of what appears to be apparent frustration. She is extremely empathetic, cries if someone else does and is constantly concerned about saving the planet and worrying about, in her words, 'mother nature'. Life is pretty tough at the moment as she is so preoccupied and upset, inspite of our concerted efforts for 'play time' both as a family and with friends.

Scores are as follows:

SI 19
CO 17
VC 16
VCI > 144

BD 11
PCn 16
MR 12
PRI 119

DS 15
LN 13
WMI 123

CD 11
SS 13
PSI 112

Many thanks to anyone who can shed any light on this for me.

K x

Last edited by katebee; 12/31/10 09:29 PM.

'I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.'
K Mansfield