Thanks- this is very helpful Dottie. I think at the school we are moving her to in Jan will require a retest in 1st grade so maybe we will wait for them. I have trouble knowing if she is profoundly gifted- sometimes she blows me away by her comments and questions and I am in shock and then sometimes she is just a kid- but maybe it is like this?

Unfortunately Grinity she is still a perfectionist and very detail oriented. Drawing and painting is by far her favorite activity and if she makes one "mistake" she will throw them away (I try and same some of them!). She certainly struggles with having that whole to part thinking. And it, whatever that is at the time, is perfect in her head and when she can't make it that way the world falls apart. Although emotionally she has come far in this reality- she can accept more but it is not that easy for her.

Another reason for retesting perhaps that just popped into my head is she has a lot of those over-excitabilities and emotional intensities, visual issues, sensory issues, and I was told these usually present in kids with higher scores according to what I have read. Any thoughts on that?