It is actually tough for many kids because the interface is old and the old man's voice is not very thrilling. With mel's group, not sure about the other options, you can set to gifted and reduce the # of questions/drills.

We started it for awhile but child complained. We then used other math materials. laugh Which took an hour. So after a 1 month of that, I told child, we can continue like this, or would you like to try EPGY math again -- that one only takes 30 minutes a day and then you'll be done. Hee hee So we're back in EPGY.

At the beginning you may want to try the exercises yourself to get use to the interface, esp with younger child. (We got a bunch of geometry questions wrong, clicking all the wrong things.) There is also a manual now that you can look over.

We also have to talk through "perfectionism" issues and not wanting to get anything wrong, to manage the issue of giving up the whole thing just when only get 1 answer is wrong. :p

Good luck!