Wren, about the Mandrin. We don't have no lessons here. I was going to start the boy with chinese calligraphy, he's done so well with shapes and penmanship but my new daughter is super verbal. Got nothing to say yet, but she chatters non-stop. So I'm looking into language now. Ok, enough bragging. I'll get to the point. Maybe your girl wants for santa to bring her what I just bought- Chinese Disney movies. (cars, Cinderella, the Chinese have them all). It takes a special DVD player, around $100. But since Chinese is so tonal maybe the cartoons will bring it to life. Besides, we don't have classes here AFaIK. I'm with you all the way that education equals opportunity and that kids are here to start living right now, not just wait 'till they're older like some people say.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar