This wasn't done at the school but at a developmental clinic in the hospital portion of the school (school and rehab hospital are attached), they really don't acre about the score as they just want to see how well he is doing and if he was able to handle the class he was in. His school goes from JK-1 as it is a specialized school for disabled children, the program is meant to give them the intense therapy they need plus give them an education at a normal JK-1 setting instead of them being in a program that is "dumbed done". (So there is no programs for gifted kids)

He is 100% bored because the work is too easy, he does the same thing with us when we are doing homework but since we moved desert to after homework is finished he rushes through it with no problems.

On the testing they pretended he was 6 and suspected he would fall within the into the high below average to low-mid average, they weren't expecting him to score so high but they wouldn't give a clue as to what the score meant except for 1. he's not struggling and 2. he's smart, both are great but neither explains the score or what it means.