Hi All
I've been lurking for a while so thought I better introduce myself and start being a contributor as well.
We are currently weighing up whether to have our DS2 (age 6) tested. Our DS1(8)tested beyond the 99.9th percentile on the SB5, but he was one of those kids who did not fit well at school and in whom teachers only saw oddity, not intelligence. Testing him was not a decision we made lightly but it has enabled him to accelerate a year and be even further extended in his areas of strength.
DS2 does not have the same personality as DS1, he is very social, less "intellectual" in presentation, yet we don't want to underestimate him (or have him underestimate his own abilities). The thing is that we really have no reason to get him tested other than to get a number. He is working a year level up at school as he is in a split class, and is very happy. There are none of the "issues" that led us to having DS1 tested.
I guess my inclination is not to test (expense being a major consideration) except that I have read that after a certain age scores may not reflect true ability. DS1 was 7yrs 3months when tested and that seemed a good age.
Thanks for reading - all opinions welcomed.