Oh Isa!
I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter is 'ill every morning' but pleased that when the teacher is gone, she does better. My experience tells me that if you leave her in a poor-fit situation much longer, the 'bounce back' will not be so quick next time around.

Certainly try to change rooms at the school, and certianly let them know that she is 'ill every morning.' I wish I had better advice, but you'll have to improvise.

Please let us know what is the status of the Gifted School. Maybe it isn't illegal for your to homeschoo because you aren't a citizen? Call you embassy - hee hee!

Can you get a doctor to write a note that the school is making her sick, and they should send a tutor to the house for the rest of the year?

Finally, here is my prayer that once the teacher returns you will find that DD's joy continues. Perhaps it is just things comming together.


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