I didn't really have a choice. Well, my son already knew I guess. We were driving along one day and he says out of the blue "You know, I'm smarter then most people." and I said "What?" and he says "You know, I know a lot of stuff. More then most people. I'm really smart. Smarter then most people." I nearly ran right off the road. eek I think he was about 6 when this conversation happened. I told him that yes, he is very smart and yes, he may know more then a lot of people and perhaps even more then most people BUT that is just not the sort of thing you go around saying. We had quite a long discussion about intellect and the responsibility that goes along with it and the humbleness he should maintain because there will always be someone greater in the world. I did share his range on the bell curve with him recently and I guess to some of you that may be pretty controversial. I did it before his most recent eval/testing appt. because I wanted him to know before he went that although I stressed how important it was that he did his very best that he didn't have to stress himself out about the whole thing or be anxious if he didn't know all the answers etc etc. I wanted him to know that I am completely happy with him and that he has more then exceeded any expectations I have ever had for him on an intellectual level at this point in his life and that he could really just relax a little. He is not the type to be boastful and I have never heard him sharing this information with anyone else or saying to his friends "oh yeah! Well I'm only 7 and I'm already in 4t grade!" He isn't the type to brag at all. In fact he spends more time being down on himself for his short comings like the fact that he isn't as good at skateboarding as the other boys in the neighborhood. frown I did buy him the cutest t-shirt that says "Never question a genuis...especially you!" *chuckles* I just couldn't resist it when I saw it. He actually rarely wears it. He prefers his shirt that says "I got this shirt for my sister. Best trade I ever made!" ROFL!


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous