This topic made me think of my older son, age 12 ... Gifted academically and is also a very, very good athlete. He can't seem to figure out where the heck he fits in

The athletes don't really accept him because he's "too smart", is in all the "academic competitions", plays piano, is sensitive, and is the only boy who plays the violin in the orchestra ... Oh, and I swear we are the only family around here who doesn't hunt. The smart kids don't really accept him because he hangs out with the "unsmart, mean, jocks" (not my wording!)It seems like he's always flip-flopping between the two "groups". Luckily he's confident enough, and does have a few close friends, but wow ... He hasn't really found an accepting, comfortable place yet, sigh. Peers, hmmm...Do any of you have this situation?