Originally Posted by shellymos
What are the benefits of taking the SCAT? Maybe this has been asked before, but just curious. Is it just for children to take online courses? and if so, are kids taking these online courses in addition to schooling? With school DS6 already barely has time to do the EPGY program...don't think he has done it at all since school started.

I'm sure someone will have a better answer to this, but for us, honestly, it was just curiosity. We always knew our son was very bright and way ahead of other kids in his classes - but I still remember being told by his Kindergarten teacher that "while he is extremely advanced, and reading at a 4th/5th grade level, he will level off and the other kids will catch up to him." So, that kind of threw us. But, then in 3rd grade they all had to take a test of cognitive skills (TCS/2) for possible entrance into an after school advanced learning program and we then realized just how bright he might be, as he scored the highest score possible, a 141+ (though, we weren't told this until 4th grade). So, while he's had that program and a TLC program once a week at school, and he was accepted to a Gifted Child Society by us, we've just been exploring other options for him - and when the invite for the CTY program came along, we just decided to see how he would do. He qualified for verbal and we may consider doing a course, but not until summer as he has so much on his plate right now between school, violin, scouts, etc...