Yes, you can't expect a kid to know something they have never been exposed to.

As for it making a difference, it may or may not. I think Dottie has had luck with a skip and then SA with her DS. And my DS8 is in 3rd grade but goes to 5th for math. He is HG+ based on the little testing we have done, and the 2 year SA has done wonders. Is the 5th grade math a slow for him, sure, but it is much much better compared to the 3rd grade math, and the teachers are much better (by 5th here they have to be specialists in the subject area, and they are great at keeping him challenged). He is a generally happy kid, but last year was tears over homework nearly every night, and a lot of anger and frustration when he came home from school. Much better this year. And if he tests high enough on an algebra readiness test at the end of this year, he will be able to skip another year. He will have to go to the Jr. High either way next year, unless we move him to computer based learning. We are all waiting to see how he does this year before we make any decisions.

I think it is important to consider the social stuff, but really, your daughter will likely be conspicuous because of her intelligence regardless (just my thoughts, obviously you know your daughter).


Last edited by Catalana; 11/11/10 02:56 PM.