Originally Posted by bbq797
Hi all! We're really at a loss, and not sure where to turn for help. Okay, here's the deal (I'll try to keep it brief). Our son is four and has been tested last yr. at an IQ of 152.
Do you happen to have a breakdown of the subsection scores? I'd be curious to know if they are sort of spikey or more even. Spikey subtests sometimes correlates with ADHD sorts of issues.

I'm of a slightly different mindset. Let's say your 4 year old is acting exactly like any other intense, bored 4 year old would in the given situation. Ok, so he's normal, but is it really such a good thing to leave him in that situation?

Take this quick 'Grinity Quiz:'
Does he like school?
Does he have friends?
Is he willing to try things that he might not be instantly good at?
What does he make of the differences between himself and his classmates?

If the above answers are generally positive, then you don't have to work too hard trying to find a different situation. If the answers are more negative then his antsy behavior might be a wake up call. With an IQ 152, one wouldn't nescessarily expect your son to get much out of preschool - think 'would I put my 6 year old in a room full of 3 year olds with an agenda pitched towards the 3 year olds?'Of course 2 hours a day 2 twice a week is a lot different than 5 hours a day 5 days a week.

My son was terrible during circle time all the way up into 2nd grade. Some teachers were great about it, so stigmatized him and turned the class against him. Perhaps DS would have been very distrustful by nature, but I don't think leaving him in classrooms that were so outlandish helped promote the idea that we adults really know what we are doing.

Just something to consider...

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