Thanks for the comprehensive reply, Aimee. I think I've seen you mention the keymath before?

Would it be out of line for me to ask about what sort of tests they're going to do? Do you see any disadvantages if they use those levelled group tests? I know there are things I have specifically left out because I thought they'd be handy to learn in school, or because we didn't have the materials. Last week I would have told you she was a very strong mathematical thinker and not so much an arithmetist, but this week she shocked us on the arithmetics front. In terms of programs, my impression from the internet is that they tend to be impressed by arithmetic and provide mathematical activities for enrichment? So the recent surge in arithmetic would be to her advantage in terms of getting their attention?

I actually didn't want to ask for testing in case she doesn't test well (as a timid five year old), but her teacher thinks she'll be fine. Will the tester ask for a rough outline of where she is beforehand?

Last edited by Tallulah; 11/05/10 08:59 PM.