Grinnity, the "raising a thinking child" says the program takes six weeks, is it a workbook or seminar?
Kcab, what does "setting limits for your strong-willed child" cover?

Funny, lol. The boy has started wetting himself since the new baby got here. The hubby asked why I was letting him run around naked. I explained what was happening and said, that's how I broke him last time. ( obviously I meat house-broke ) the eavesdropping boy became concerned. "I don't want to be broke."

Strong-willed is the nice way to put it. How about, "a strong sense of entitlement." and "will not be ignored.". Ds is showing early signs of my stubbornness and the hubby's persistence. All I can think of is lots of structure and routine. If he's going to dig his heels in at least it will be defending the rules. It's still gonna cause drama with some teachers and peers no matter how we proceed.
If the "raising a thinking child" does what it says and teaches them to listen closer to what people are saying and pay attention to what other people are feeling I'm going to use it on the hubby.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar