1) I don't, particularly. My DD is 7, accelerated to 3rd - she has an end-of-May birthday, and we have a 9/1 cutoff, so by definition at least 9 months younger, and 18 months younger than most of her friends. She complains that the other girls like iCarly and Hannah Montana (while DD likes Battle Force 5 and Pokemon) - but that was an issue last year, when she was with age peers, too. For most of the other stuff, she just doesn't "get" it, and ignores it.

I don't consider sex / violence / language to be the same kind of thing, in that she watches movies with all of those things, and has had fairly graphic "sex talks" at home.

2) Totally depends on your situation. The private schools available to us would not currently be a better fit for DD than she's getting from public school. But I anticipate she'll test well enough to get merit aid for college, and don't intend to encourage her to apply for schools that don't offer good merit aid, so I wouldn't take a worse situation now in hopes of a better situation later, either.