These are all great suggestions. I would start with "I want DS to be happy in school." In addition to being true, it also touches the goal of most schools that kids' social needs are met. For us, DS6 is happy when he is appropriately challenged.

When we had our meeting when school started, we also stated that we didn't want DS to repeat things that he already did last year. (He switched schools, along with a grade jump, but last year he completed most of 2nd grade math.) To help with this, the school is pretesting DS on each unit and he only stays in the classroom for the parts he needs work on, and the rest of the time he's with the gifted coordinator.)

Because of the grade skip, another one of our goals was to make sure the teachers recognize that he is age-level in some areas (handwriting), but that shouldn't hold him back from things he's ready for (more complex language arts discussions).