Kids-10 to 12
Teen-13 to 17, I believe
Thought I'd just give a heads up about this, DD14 has tried out 2 times in the past (for the Teen tournament) and just barely missed it both times (you take an online test of 50 questions, and 35 makes you eligible to go on to the next level of auditions)- she was around 33/34. However, she is happy about this because both years she would have been the youngest person on the show and she is happy waiting until she is older to do it and actually have a great chance of winning.
I know this might not be great for all kids on here, but I thought I'd at least bring it up, if you have a kid that loves trivia and/or would like a chance to get to win some money (I believe there is a minimum amount of money you win, even if you come in last place).
Unfortunately, the next audition dates are still a few months away (usually in January or February) but if you have a child like mine who wants to study for it, that could be a good thing.