We put DS4 (June birthday) in a private K class this year. The K class is made up of primarily young fives (with fall birthdays). Some of the kids will go on to K in the public school system and others may enter 1st grade. There are only 11 kids in his class.

His teacher informed me yesterday that DS is running around too much, acting very hyper/crazy/excited, and not working on his center during center time. She said he often gets up and wanders around the room (even though he is picking his own activity). She said he does sit nicely at circle time.

DS reads at the third grade level. He is doing math at home at a beginning 2nd grade level (maybe late 1st). As far as I can tell they have only been working on the alphabet and a couple of sight words in class. Of course, they have been doing other typical K stuff too, such as days of the week, etc. According to DS she has never had him read for her.

He is just acting like a typical four year old? Should I have concerns of a bigger issue beginning? I would never have described DS as "hyper" prior to being told about this. He will sit very calmly for hours and play alone at home. She seemed somewhat surprised when I told her this yesterday.

This K class is at a childcare center so I can interact with the teacher on a daily basis (good or bad I am not sure). It has taken her two months to tell me this was such an issue.

What should I do? I had a conversation with DS last night about not being so crazy in class. Help!!!