Originally Posted by yannam
Once you 'settle' your whole life you will doing same thing over and over again... do not get me wrong even the best scientists in the world too (just an example) do the same thing in the whole life, working on one topic...

I'm a scientist, and I wouldn't say that this statement is true for me or other scientists I know. Yes, I have to repeat experiments again and again to ensure that results are valid. But this isn't the same as doing the same exact thing forever (or even for five years).

Some people choose to work on the same disease or general question for a very long time. But:

1) it's their choice

2) they don't do the exact same thing on the same topic the whole time.

Originally Posted by yannam
my point is why to put a child 2-3 grades higher and push (push and push) him/her in to more challenging stuff

In the case of my kids, no one pushed them. Grade skips were natural things. If my daughter had been forced to go to kindergarten, she would have gone mad with boredom and the too-easy work would have damaged her. She got extra acceleration in reading/spelling/science because, again, even the +1 subjects were too easy for her.

School should be about a proper learning environment, not about doing the same thing everyone else does.


Last edited by Val; 09/25/10 03:35 PM.