Your post brought tears to my eyes. My 5yo daughter's processing speed is in the 99.9th percentile and so is mine. All of my life I have struggled with this. When your brain moves this fast it is extremely difficult to stop and write things down that you don't even realize you have processed. This is especially true for math. I could always get the correct answer but I could never explain it or show you every step. Every math teacher I had marked me down for that. As for writing forget it. I would rather curl up in a ball on the floor and cry. I always did well in English but it was painful. I think fear of failure played a big part in that. All my life my parents thought I was being a pain in the rear. For me showing my work and writing essays was physically painful. We didn't know until I was an adult that it was due to my processing speed.

As to how to deal with it, I not sure. I hope I can figure this out before it becomes and issue with my daughter. I think there will be a lot of discussions with her teachers. I will also push for some accommodations for her. In the same way kids with lower processing speeds get more time for tests.

It is important to remember that this is not a choice for her. Forcing her to be mainstream may never work.