In retrospect , some things I wish that I had firmed addressed earlier with the school concerning my dd's 2 year math skip last year:

- A communication system (email or note) when dd was going to have a math test
- A way to find out how she did on the math tests (what grade/percentage)
- Whether it was okay to put a time limit on homework if she didn't get it done
- When she had homework other than math, what was the more important subject to get done
- Whether dd was allowed to play with the older, math class kids at recess instead of only be allowed to play with age peers
- What would happen if there was a substitute teacher
- That dd required her own designated desk/chair/supplies

Now, my kiddo has some executive function issues... She did make it through the acceleration last year and I truly think its going to be easier this year.

What I wished I had asked myself before dd's math acceleration was, "Would I be satisfied that the acceleration was a success if dd didn't end up with an "A" in the class?" (She did, but it was interesting for me to learn how I felt about her no longer getting 100s.)

Last edited by Chrys; 08/22/10 06:18 PM.

Warning: sleep deprived