I have a question about OE's. �Is it only OE if it's causing a problem? � I wander if heightened observation and unusual taste for quality is the "good side" of the sensory OE? � Would it only be an OE if this "gift" was disturbing to him? �
And always liking things neat and in working order. �He'll quickly let you know if something's not right. �But he doesn't freak out about it like I've seen the SPD kids described, he just notices everything. �He's also had mature taste. �We joke that he never was a baby. �He's a picky eater, but he likes tasty seasoned food, not bland like a picky kid. �
He's not spoiled and we're not wealthy but he has advanced fine taste in quality. �Like when my preschooler was a toddler he didn't like toddler toys, but he liked older kids toys with smaller pieces and similar functions. �I bought some just to see if he just didn't like toys or what since he wasn't playing with the baby toys grandma sent. �Now he has a Walmart drumset and a how to drum video. �He told me, I don't like my drumset. �I want one like that. �Mine's not good. �He's not even three. �We got our truck painted. �I told him look, there's our truck. �They painted it. �He didn't recognize our truck. �He thought I was pointing at another one. �He said, that's not our's. �That one's not good. �(he was right. �It was a heap). �He points out all the best cars and houses already. �Not that ours is one of the best cars. �Those two sentences are too close together.�
Like when I was a kid the "good side" of my emotional OE was great empathy and insights into other people's lives. �Do you think all this observation skills, fine taste, and preference for "real" things might be the good side of sensory OE in my child? �
What's your opinion Violet? �Is OE just describing a heightened (sensation , emotion, intellectual understanding, imaginative creativity, what-have-you), or is an OE describing only the problem that comes with the heightened what-have-you?