For us it's the philosophy that works, not necessarily the materials. When started I did spend a lot of time in prep, but now I don't because DD6 'gets it' and is then ready to move on or even worse, is not interested. For example, I can't spend tons of money or time on nomenclature cards for a one time use. We just read books instead. Now I try to include my kids in the prep part and we all learn together. This is best for us because my DD is prone to perfectionism. She sees that I don't have all the answers and watches me figure things out. I do very little prep now and my 'presentations' are extremely casual. I try to keep with the philosophy as much as humanly possible and use concrete materials whenever possible. I hope this is helpful.
Yes, thank you, that is where I am coming to now, so it very reassuring to hear it from someone else!
I'll also check out the yahoo group.
Do you have any suggestions for materials you think have lasted a long time? Any suggested starting place for learning to apply the method? Just picking brains as soon as I find them.