Is it okay if I continue to hope that their impression is wrong and it will be great for your son?

In every school every where, it's the teacher who makes the most difference. I'm hoping that by steering you into 7th grade, you are really being subtly steered to a teacher who will be a good match for your son.
Of course it's always good to have a plan B, but I'm with Kriston here. Seems like this school is worth a tiny, part time try, particularly in the subject that you might need a tutor in. I hope it isn't much of a drive. It's so yuccky to try a school and think that maybe you'll have to leave and 'teach a bad lesson' to your son about quitting - but I encourage you to do it anyway.
Is your son ready for college level classes? At the very least he can enroll in the school part time and take college level classes exclusively as soon as he is ready.
Plan B can include homeschool, auditing college classes, online classes, local mentor/tutor, or enrichment.
Love and More Love,