Hello ladies. Its been a while since I've posted. I've had a crazy month but am back now!

DD7 is doing very well in both her 2nd grade class and her GT class. I think I posted that they are allowing her to enter the science fair this year (usually is only 3-6 grade) and she's very excited about that. Her GT teacher has informed me that dd is excelling in her class and that she is very impressed with her quick progress smile

I had asked her teacher if they do any achievement testing at her school and the only thing she said they do is the Iowa-something achievement test in 3rd grade. (Im drawing a blank as to what its actually called!) Is anyone familiar with this? I know I have left it a bit vague but hopefully someone might recognize it. lol. Anyway, that will be done next year. I have no idea what the test is used for. I guess I had better figure out the actual name of it and do some research, huh? hehe.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi. Hope everyone is doing well!

Last edited by Mom2LA; 02/01/08 10:44 AM.