I have a son with a similar pattern including a very high VCI and an even lower PSI. Your son is clearly very bright. Yet, there are kinks in his profile (realative weaknesses) that most likely cause him a lot of frustration.

When a child has high "thinking ability" in the areas of VCI and PRI, but significantly lower processing skills (15 point difference is considered significant), it can cause many problems with output (and sometimes with input when the complexity and volume of information increases). It is like having a Ferrari engine stuck in rush hour traffic. Lot's of power that is held back by a huge bottle neck.

You ask if this kind of scatter is "normal". No - it happens in a small percentage of the overall population. The person that gave the test could check the table to tell exactly what percentage of the population would have this scatter.

You also ask if it could be an indicator of ADHD. Yes. While there is no "test" for ADHD, there are patterns that you often see in testing. Typically those with ADHD have lower WMI, PSI or both. But, you cannot diagnose ADHD from these tests alone.

There are aspects of ADHD that mimic NVLD and vice versa. My theory (and I'm just a mom with a kid with disabilities that has done a lot of thinking and research), is sometimes a spread between VCI and PRI can simply indicate an overwhelming strenght in the verbal realm. After all, his PRI is solidly high Average - not a disability per say - but an area of relative weakness.

Was there other testing done? Perhaps in the area of Executive Functioning. Here is a good overview article on EF http://www.greatschools.org/special...lens-to-view-your-child.gs?content=1017. Here are some tests that are commonly used http://concordspedpac.org/TypesTests.html#ExecFunc

Does he have any other difficulties? Social, motor, reading? You mention spelling is difficult. This is often a sign of a reading disorder. Often times very bright kids can mask weaknesses in reading in the younger years. BUt, as the load increases (complexity, volume, novelty) event subtle reading difficulties can prove to be overwhelming.

If the evaluation did not include an academic evaluation that looked at reading, writing and math skills - I believe you need information in this area too.

If you do have scores in these areas as well as the individual subtest scores of the WISC, you may want to post them along with any other concerns that you have. Others may be able to shed some light or at least suggest some questions.

Best of luck!