Hi everyone,

I wanted to give you an update and thank you for this Board.
I really feel like you saved me from more heart break. Here is the link to my thread :


Well I enrolled my DS10 in EPGY he has been on it for 3 weeks and already has been bumped up. He is still scoring in 95-100%
He has been sparked (reborn)and loves it!

I also submitted his IOWA scores to Dukes TIP and they accepted him as well so he will take a couple of their courses.

We are considering taking the Explore as well.
As I have stated I have never been a "label" or a test person.
It was a not a great expirence for me as a child and I just didn't want it for my children. I also watch my older son go through with "labels" and it never felt like a "fit" for him.
It is such a different era for todays children and I have to get on "board" soon... so I don't lose him to boredom.

He also finished a whole singapore math book 4A he did that in 3 days... apparently he loves fractions and geometry.

I do have a couple of questions regarding EPGY. They state that they WANT them to be testing between 70-80% that it indicates that they are challenged...BUT my DS freaks out if he scores low. Do they take the different personalities of gifted youth? I do have the choice to leave him at the current grade level, right?

He is not much a Math person(his words)...his strength is really Science and Social Studies.

I swear I am so tired of people looking at me like my child was born from an alien...
Yes... my son wants to go to a Museum over Disneyland...So What!!! Phew...

It has been such a crazy summer...and we are traveling a lot.
I hope to make an appointment with a Psychologist that specializes in Gifted youth. I am going to try to add some of the Duke courses to his Catholic schooling as well as continuing the EPGY. I have been talking to lots of others and really trying to understand what happen to the Catholic schools in the last 10 years. I had my two oldest graduated Catholic HS in 99 and 02 it seemed really strong but they are not the same today.
I am giving it 1 year and if there is not a change then I will homeschool. I have 2 other mothers that are seriously considering it as well. Together the three of us make strong teachers our backgrounds are in Medicine, Engineering and MS in ED. I still don't have confidence doing it on my own...but you know what? If I have to I will !

Well Thank you again !!! I haven't been here in awhile so I am going to do some catch up reading.
"My heart is healing" :-)