Our DS7 just finished stores and poems, a lot more homework then he was used to in a subject he is not fond of. Inventions \or Math would have been a better choice. The good part is that he did the work, it was hard for him and he did not like the writing part, but he completed the work. I hope he learned that working hard on something you don't always like or excell in is a part of life, and that effort is important. The class was great, and challenging. Maybe next year he will go again but do something he loves. Distance was also an issue for us, about an 1hr drive each way. That did add to taking away summer time fun for the 3 weeks he was in the course. We did however try to make the homework fun, and worked with him on it. He still likes to be read to so we did read some of the chapters in his books to him at night.