and are a bit confusing. But to those of you who are more experienced, you may understand these:
Block design 10
Similarities 12
Digit Span 8
Picture Concepts 11
Coding 11
Vocab 11
Letter-Number seq 11
Matrix Reasoning 19
Comprehension 8
Cancellation 10
Verbal Compr 100
Percep Reasoning 121
Working Mem 97
Proc Speed 103
Full Scale 108
Here's where I can use some help from someone more knowledgeable.
He said "Typically developing youngsters would be expected to obtain subtest scaled scores at 10 and IQ scores at 100 with percentile ranks of 50. It is 90 % likely that x scores would fall within the above ranges if she were retested with this instrument." I don't know what that means, do you? He also said that he thought that her vocabulary and use of language seemed more "sophisticated and better developed. Thus, I think her verbal ability is actually stronger than scores suggest."
Any help here?