Is it the age? My DD is turning 4 in August and almost over night, about 2 weeks ago we have a child filled with attitude. She has always been one to argue and that doesn't bug me so much as long as she does so without the 'tone'. I believe in allowing for their view point. I don't pretend to know it all and sometimes my logic of why something shouldn't be is flawed. If she argues her case; I have no problem admitting it, but here lately it has been over the top confrontational and down right rude AND that is NOT acceptable.

IE. yesterday morning my mother was trying to get DD up and dressed but DD wasn't having it. She finally gave in to getting up but let her dislike for it all be known when she turned around and stated "Yes MAID." to my mother. She clearly understood the negative implications of it all because she continued her statement over and over while getting dressed.