Your question reminds me of the book, Refuse to Choose, by Barbara Sher. She talks about how some people are "divers" who stick to a single interest for years and years (as I have been with gifted education for the last 30 years), and some people are "scanners" who move from interest to interest. They never have a need to perfect anything. Once they think they understand it, they want to move on to the next thing. Many gifted people also have "multipotentiality" and it is hard to make a choice from all their possibilities. With a young, gifted child, it is probably healthy to have many interests and to be so curious that he doesn't mind moving from one area of interest to another. I am a university professor in gifted education as well as a coach for parents of gifted education, and it is clear that we need to be careful not to over-analyze all our children's behaviors.