It is ages 3-5, DS turns 5 Sept 8th so, too young for K here even with a waiver. (If only he had been born on his DUE date of Sept 1st! lol) He actually is young enough he could go there again next year their cut off is Aug 31st and he turns 6 that Sept 8th. It would be pretty funny to send him to K here as a 6 year old turning 7 probably ready for 3rd or 4th grade, ha ha. I could also just send him to two years of preK and then straight to 1st. K isn't required here.

I am not sure if they will be all together or separated. I have a feeling they are going to be separated. It is pretty weird for me to just sign up for something sight unseen but, we have gone to many one off classes there and loved them. I am actually pretty excited about it. We will see what happens on day one when I have to leave him there; he is my only and I don't know how Mommy is going to do. 8)