she had taken that book to bed the night before, but I don't think it is about figuring out the words, they were all ones she could handle but her idea that "mommies read to children. Children do not read to mommies." The reason she read to me was because she was playing mommy. I suggested we do it again, and she said no. I try not to push, but I really love when she reads to me and am envious of other parents whose children want to read to them. She has this desire to do exactly what you do not want her to do and strongly rebels against requests and will only do what she wants to do when she wants to do. Clearly she can read and read advanced vocabulary, and doesn't "need" to read yet so I will just let her do it on her own as I always have, but hope she decides to share with me again. I think it would help her to see another child reading. At preschool none of the kids read and it may be the issue of not wanting to be too different.