Ack! I'm so bummed. The Good Times Travel Agency and the Felix books sound/look perfect, but my library doesn't carry them and they are out of my budget. (The way dd burns through books, I am loathe to buy anything that isn't used or darn cheap...)

I am seriously in want of some sort of brainy kid version of Netflix right now. Thinking beyond these specific books now, does anyone have any experience with an online book swap program? I wonder if Davidson or some other group would be willing to start a lending library?

Int -- DD has had a plastic globe for as long as I can remember. We keep it in the living room, where we read, so we can pull it out when the need arises (which is, of course, daily!) She also has a big ol' map of the US, and loves looking at our road atlas. I'll try the National Geo... hadn't thought of that.