I am somewhat worried that dd11 is hurting boys' feelings. Over the course of the past year, she's had three boys who are interested in her and two of them have asked her to "go out" with them. One, in particular, apparently gave her a flower and tried to give her an inexpensive necklace, which she refused. She told him that she'd need to "ask her mother."

I don't know if she is just not interested in boys yet or just not interested in the ones who like her. I also don't need to have her "going out" with boys yet if she doesn't want to. I don't want her to hurt their feelings, however.

Two of these boys were at least a year or so older than dd b/c she is young for grade due to a fall bd and a grade skip. She'll be an 8th grader in the fall and will turn 12 a few weeks after school starts. The age difference may be making a difference here b/c the boys are at a different place in terms of their interest. However, I do know other kids who are a grade below her who are "going out" with boys which seems to entail saying that said person is your boyfriend/girlfriend and not much else.

What can I tell her to say to these boys that is likely to leave them not hurt but doesn't force her to "date" someone she doesn't want to?