smile thanks

I am nervous about preK, hopefully it will go well and he'll be happy, and his teachers will be kind/understanding.
We do have a few in home sitters- he LOVES these ladies- both over 50 but energetic. One more grandmotherly, the other, extremely outdoorsy and natureloving organic farming awesome lady!
I don't have any tween/teen mother's helpers, but I am tempted. Usually I just have him "help". Usually it makes more work LOL. Like today when I was cooking a rhubarb coffeecake, and he was cooking too. I gave him some baking soda and vinegar to experiment with...hmm. Mea culpa for the bubbly mess- I didn't mind too much as the cake turned out smile

Grinity! EEEEK to the sibling idea- Lordy, I am nearing 40, I'm exhausted from this fabulous, psychomotor OE gifted exuberant extroverted child! smile
Sometimes I wonder how people cope with 2 or more! kids. Maybe I'm just a wimp? smile I do appreciate the idea, I do see siblings enjoying each other. But I'm so loving having only one, methinks.

Hoping somehow we'll find some neat kid that is a good match someday for my LO. I'll keep searching. We did have a good playdate at the beach with a 3.5 yo, invited them to the library, and it was no longer a good match. Again, the pretend play skills weren't there. Good match for gross motor play/beach play, but not cooperative/pretend play...ah well...