Hi Jonas,

I was very nervous about testing. We had it done to work out what approach to take with starting school. Much of my nervousness was about whether or not I was going to be validated. I hadn't told many people my thoughts about where dd was at, but I had had to raise it with people like dd's preschool teacher because we were having issues. My mum thought I was just a 'proud' parent etc, and I felt like I was going to look completely ridiculous if dd came back 'normal'. Which of course is ridiculous in itself, because in terms of my daughter I was very aware that it didn't matter what the result was, she was still her wonderful little self.

On the actual day, I sat in the waiting room like a caged tiger. 3/4s of the way through I could hear that dd stopped cooperating with the tester (a very loud 'I sharn't!) floated down the stairs and not long after that they both appeared in the door way... hmm... The tester had a policy of not giving any feedback until the test was done and it took just over 2 weeks for the test to arrive, which nearly killed me. I was worried we'd wasted money on testing that would now prove pointless because she'd stopped cooperating etc. In the end I was validated and while her lack of cooperation in the final two subtests brought her score down, I had enough to be able to confidently say that dd had special needs.

Good luck, I hope all goes well and if it doesn't - take it from me, it wont necessarily be a disaster smile