Berteau, I was kinda hoping it would quietly work it's way out over the summer but the school is definitely all about keeping it secret right now. Ineteresting about the weird calls. GREAT! LOL! We need to start a separate support group! HAHA!

DC will be going upstairs to shadow the kids that she will then be in class with next year so I am hoping that raises some suspicions and then it starts to slowly leak out so that it's not all at once. I know it's all part of this whole thing though. Let me ask you... has it been done in your school before? I think if more kids did it it wouldn't be such a big deal but because this is new to everyone at our school they are all afraid of what is to come because of it (calls from parents wanting this and that etc.) As I explained to the school, they have now been provided with a great tool with the IAS (that they had no clue about until we met with them) and that if children meet the criteria and they qualify... THAT'S A GOOD PROBLEM TO HAVE!

Good luck to you and keep me posted. I am sure next week will bare some questions once word gets out that she spent all week in the next grade but luckily there is only 2 days of school left after next week so I may not have to hear all the chit chatting! *biting my nails!*