Hello, Dazey and Dottie. Thank you so much for the insight. Here are the breakdowns:
similarities - 21
vocabulary - 19
comprehension - 18
block design - 13
picture concepts - 14
matrix reasoning - 14
WM -
Digit Span - 15
Arithmetic - 23
Coding - 10
Symbol Search - 14
Your algebra, geometry, 3-D descriptions are very accurate. DS hasn't done too much of 3-D geometry, but he does have to work hard on problems such as find all sides of a cube if different views of the cube are given. He just does not like those kinds of problems. Lately, he resulted to make a cube, put post-it on the sides to figure out

Dottie, you are amazing. You got the subtest scores based on one PRI score! DS is a happy kid most of the time. I guess I won't worry too much until a problem presents itself.